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Humanity, Waiting To Be Of Service

Flow (Four)

Flow (Four), 2010, acrylic on canvas, AKA “Lungs Expanding”

Nothing is more detrimental to the survival of human kind than the loss of Humanity. No, wait, let me rephrase:

Humanity is KEY to the survival of species – any species, including its name giver, the human species. From the moment we arrive on earth, our skin red and sometimes bloodied, our faces all wrinkled, lungs expanding to take in air for the first time, we CRAVE kindness, compassion, a loving touch to help us bridge the gap between the spiritual realm and the physical realm.

As newbies, we are not yet able to do all of that on our own. We need guidance, from our parents, from our teachers, from institutions and organisations and wise old men and even wiser old women. We need help to recognize the little voice inside that is connected to our conscience, and we need help in understanding that the outer world and the inner world are intertwined, but not co-dependent.

What carries Humanity? Empathy and altruism – big words, for “little” things, like listening without judging, giving without asking, accepting without conditions.

Earth is in a dire state, and it is so because of us. We’ve let Humanity slip away. We’ve invented computers and the internet and found ways to develop systems that not only do our work for us, but also define our lives for us.

Systems cannot take on board empathy, or altruism. Sure, sometimes systems appear kind, but that is mostly down to the PEOPLE operating the system. Humanity has flared up, lighting a fire in them, and so they ignore a rule, or push a button they aren’t allowed to push, so that you can continue to live your life in relative peace and quiet.

Now that everything is connected in the outer world, through a mega system that dwarfs any act of kindness, it is even harder to fight the good fight. We cannot fight against a relentless system and expect to win. We can, of course, try and destroy such a system, but that would require a lot of ingenuity, and not many of us are equipped to be a top notch hacker-with-integrity.

I think we need another angle to look at this problem. We have the RIGHT to take care of ourselves and other species in a way that does Humanity justice – with kindness, and a loving touch. With an ear and an eye for details that cannot be captured in code.

So, where do we start? With the people taking our money and ordering new systems to be build? With the people designing and maintaining these systems? Or with the people operating the systems?

I say we start with ourselves. We need to make time to roam around in our inner world and look for evidence that, despite years and years of harsh acts in the outer world denying its existence, Humanity is still there, waiting to be of service.

Be brave. Turn your back on the outer world, step inside, visit Humanity, sit down with it, talk to it. Embrace it, lovingly, tell it how you’ve missed it. Tell it how much it is needed. Show Humanity where its rightful place is – at the heart of the system we need to build to replace the bug-invested, outdated and VERY user unfriendly system now ruling (and destroying) the world we inhabit.

Once you and Humanity are friends again, allies even, get up and cross the bridge. Go on, take Humanity with you in the outer world. It will help you see what is going on. It won’t nag. It won’t yell. It won’t accuse you. Humanity will only look at what is happening, and unwaveringly point your finger at all the empty spots where it would fit in beautifully.

I’m not saying we can fix this mess. But using a healthy dose of Humanity, we can try – we MUST try. We are humans, we are the name givers of Humanity, we were born to try.

And what better time to do it than now, when our inner worlds are starting to bridge the gap almost on their own, so eager to help us fight the darkness creeping up on us?

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