It is perfectly fine to have a belief system. In fact, I think no human being can go without such a system, however terse, for longer periods of time. It is what helps us cope with the collision damage that no-one, not even the most experienced hitchhiker in the galaxy, can avoid when navigating the cloud of inner worlds masking (and yet defining!) the outer world.
The funny thing is, to me, beliefs are not fixed. I think they are a higher form of duality. Think about it: beliefs are construed around facts (stern but querulous creatures), and fiction (our interpretation of those facts, an exoskeleton of thoughts, emotions, ideas and sensory input, or, if you will, the haze generated by our constant search for balance between mind, body and soul).
When you think of fact and fiction as two sides of the same coin where beliefs are concerned, you quickly realize that when the facts shift, the fiction shifts. And when the fiction shifts, the facts shift.
We do have a say about the degree of connection, but we cannot sever the connection. (Well, we CAN… but where does that leave us? In mid-air? In the dungeons? In heaven? I won’t go all prudish with “Don’t try this at home, kids”, but if you do, know that it will be one hell of a ride.)
Once you get going on this train of thoughts, you may come to see all belief systems form an intricate web of fact and fiction. Let’s say you’ve welcomed as a fact the existence of God. When you worship Him, essentially addressing a halo-encircled entity outside of you, what you’re also doing (duality! duality is king!) is massaging your soul, the little stoic resting on a bench in the heart-shaped chamber of the internalized labyrinth with pathways to the universal consciousness before, after and in between. (Before, after and in between LIFE that is.)
The soul has no name, and it has no fixed outer form. You yourself, writer/creator that you are, can come up with a name or form that pleases you. So, you embrace God. Dealing with duality is easier that way.
For “Mother of Mercy”, I embraced a curious mix of mouse, elephant and Mother Mary and coupled this to the fact in my belief system that mercy is SACRED and present IN EVERY IMAGINABLE CREATURE. I admit, this original painting, now available in my store, may not help you deal with duality any better. But it IS fun, and by including fun in your belief system, perhaps a shift to something lighter will take place. Wouldn’t that be nice, for a change?