Corner View is a weekly appointment – each Wednesday – created by Jane of Spain Daily, where bloggers from all corners of the world share their view on a pre-arranged theme.
Laptop crisis is almost over. The new one arrived yesterday, and whaddayaknow – the old one collapsed later that evening.
I did have a near breakdown when I felt a headache coming up real fast (there is no SLOW in headaches, is there?), but with a little tactful panicky googling I found a way to set the colour temperature for the LCD screen to 5000K, and afterwards I used my trusted Spider 3 calibration equipment to finetune the colours (one of the ‘benefits’ of being highly sensitive apparently being my eyes are very susceptible to backlit screens and misrepresentation of colours).
Now, I’m SLOWLY finding my way back to normal. No pictures yet, as I need to install tons of programs (and no backup too, as I had thought to use the old laptop as backup, so still need to think about that) – but the end of this transition is in sight. Hurray!