The physical realm is where output from all sources comes together, and of late, I am having a hard time filtering out the output not beneficial to my mental health.
You see, all I have ever wanted is some peace and quiet. I should have been born on the prairie. Instead, I am trapped in this mad hatter for a country, living a life the size of three lies and a butternut cake, running a small business, but not making rum or sewing hopscotch dresses or anything else that tickles my creative fancies.
(Don’t tell me it is all up to me, that I just have to want it bad enough. No. My output is quite extraordinary, I am there, giving it my all, almost 24/7. And still, the world will not budge. I suspect I have to fall apart first, and then pick up the pieces to go forward, one step at a time, the route larger than life, boisterous deck of cards distracting me while a false horizon tries to swindle my saved dreams.)
Luckily, nature is still my friend, and so, today, after a long day in the office, I feasted my eyes on this little flower sculpture made by 9 YO Top4.
(Click to open the video in fullscreen YouTube mode)