As is the case in my life, I happenstance upon people (online mostly, I am sad to admit) who, by the way they interact with me, push me forward.
I expect such is the case for all of us, only I tend to feel the push quite vehemently, and of late that has helped tremendously, as the real-life thingy is kinda stuck. (Will let you know when it gets unstuck. May take a while though.)
On a forum I got chatting with what I think was a lady, but it might well have been a man (it is so hard these days, to tell who is who online). We got quite philosophical, and then she posed to me this question:
“Well, if you really feel it will come to an end, then what is there left to fight for. What need is there to try and lift yourself, to be good?”
Ah. The need.
“What?” I counteracted, “so you only want to try if you know there is a possibility that the outcome will suit you? Isn’t that just a little bit perverted? Shouldn’t you try because you want to, no matter what? Because you feel this is the only thing worth doing, regardless of the outcome?”
I have repeated those lines in my head several times today, and I think I am not so good at practicing what I preach. I try and get up every day, ready to be of use, but reality quite often forces me to let parts of me lag behind, in the dream world, eager to find meaning in all of this.
I need those parts to stay with me, so that I can stay strong and endure whatever I have to endure. And really, when all is said and done, I do mind the outcome. I mind quite a lot. How things go for mankind from here, not physically but mentally, will impact consciousness everywhere. That, to me, is the one and only reason I want to be good. Consciousness will never die, but it can get dented. I love it too much to let that happen.
We need to find ways to motivate each other to get going and try and be the best version of ourselves, regardless of the outcome. There should not be a pay-off, either, like “you get to go to heaven”, or “you’ll enter the Hall of Fame”.
Also, we need to find ways to let consciousness help us be strong. A lot of people are doing this already: meditation, yoga, and so on. If enough of us keep the gate open, the network will become more robust. It will not stop climate crisis and other crises, but it will stop us from falling apart, becoming numb, either on purpose or because we’re so tired of keeping ourselves upright and try and be good, no matter what.